Meal Plans

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Meal Plan options are available in a variety of ways. Smoothies, detoxes, raw juices, salads and more.

Deposit : $30.00 Per Qty


Option 1: Five Smoothies $75.00
Option 2: Ten Smoothies $150.00
Option 3: Five Smoothies and Five Raw Juices $180.00
Option 4: Five Day Plan (3 meals for each day & 5 smoothies) $250.00
Option 5: Three Day Plan (3 meals for each day & 3 smoothies) $185.00
Option 6: Five Day Detox $125.00
Option 7: Five Salads & five smoothies $145.00

Additional information

Meal Plans

Option 1 – Five Smoothies, Option 2 – Ten Smoothies, Option 3 – Five Smoothies and Five Raw Juices, Option 4 – Five Day Plan (3 meals for each day & 5 smoothies), Option 5 – Three Day Plan (3 meals for each day & 3 smoothies), Option 6 – Five Day Detox, Option 7 – Five Salads & Five Smoothies